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Что означает иллюминат тату

Тату иллюминаты: значение, фото татуировки, эскизы

иллюминат на запятье Danil Quartz

Татуировка с изображением иллюминатов означает мистику, таинственность, загадочность, мудрость, бдительность, проницательность, озарение, интуицию, духовность, вездесущность, контакт со Вселенной, свет, силу, мощь, просветление, интеллект, ясновидение, оберег, благородство, жизненную энергию.

Значение татуировки иллюминаты

Иллюминаты или всевидящее око является мистическим символом, который олицетворяет связь человека со Вселенной.

Во многих храмах можно встретить небольшие окошки, находящиеся в самом верху здания. Эти окошки ассоциируются с глазами Вселенной, которая следит за обывательской жизнью людей.

Всевидящее око можно назвать глазом сердца, это говорит о том, что важно прислушиваться к тому, что советуют наше сердце и интуиция.

Если иллюминат изображается в треугольнике, то это означает Вездесущность божественного проявления.

Татуировка с изображением иллюминатов означает таинственность, загадочность, высшие знания, величие и мудрость.

Коренные индейцы называли око глазом сердца и величали его всевидящим оком великого духа. Буддисты почитали око и верили, что оно несет в себе высшую мудрость и божественный свет.

Жители Древней Греции считали, что око является символом бога света Аполлона. Египтяне величали око Атшетом, что в переводе означало Всезнающий и Всевидящий Глаз Гора. Он обладал огромной мощной энергетической силой, властью и мудростью.

Христиане олицетворяли всевидящее око с силами света и Богом, который все видит и все замечает. А вот в кельтской культуре око означало зависть и нежелание идти на жертвы ради высшего блага.

Нательный рисунок с изображением иллюминатов символизирует незаурядный ум, проницательность, внимательность и жизнелюбие своего обладателя. Такого человека, как правило, привлекает все неизведанное, загадочное и нераскрытое. Он очень любознателен, интересуется историей, эзотерическими науками или религией.

Для представительниц прекрасного пола такая татуировка прекрасно подчеркнет их оригинальность, неординарность, интеллектуальность и интуитивность.

Если женщина делает себе татуировку с изображением всевидящего ока, заключенного в треугольник, на запястье она смело заявляет о своей нетрадиционной ориентации.

Татуировка с оком, изображенным вместе с деревом, символизирует плодородие, изобилие, процветание, долголетие, стабильность, гармонию, богатство, благополучие.

Нательный рисунок, показывающий парящую птицу и око, заключенное в треугольник, олицетворяет свободу, целеустремленность, достижение целей, смелость, решительность и легкость полета.

Также подобная татуировка станет прекрасным оберегом, который защитит своего обладателя от дурного сглаза, неприятностей, бед и прочих невзгод. Такой амулет станет для своего хозяина источником энергетических сил, уверенности и божественного покровительства.

Загадочное общество масонов используют символ всевидящего ока в треугольнике, из которого проходят лучи света, как символ своей организации.

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Иллюминаты - современная татуировка

Знаменитое «Всевидящее око» - символ, изображающий глаз, часто окруженный лучами солнца. Немного фантазии и мастерства – и ваше тело украсит татуировка, представляющая Божьий глаз, наблюдающий с небес за человечеством.

60+ Mysterious Illuminati Tattoo Designs - Enlighten Yourself


The word “Illuminati” means enlightened in Latin and although the name has been used to describe many real and imagined secret societies, it commonly refers to the Bavarian Illuminati who were a clandestine group established in 1776.

They came together to rebel against the strict control of the church and government over people’s everyday lives and encouraged free thinking.

Today there are still people who believe that instead of being dissolved over time this group grew in numbers and gained a supreme hold over the world. Conspiracy theorists claim that the Illuminati, has many famous members, including presidents, celebrities and even religious figures.


There are organizations that claim to have a link to the original Bavarian Illuminati, although most of these cannot be authenticated.

The Illuminati are sometimes linked to Masonic practices and groups as well as Satanism although the latter is based on the belief by some conspiracy theorists that the Illuminati practice satanic worship.



There are a multitude of symbols and images that are believed to be connected with this secret organization. The meanings also vary based on the belief system of the individual. Here we are looking at symbols and images that are often included in tattoo designs.




The All Seeing Eye 

The singular eye is common to almost all Illuminati tattoos. It is believed as a most common symbol. The eye can be interrupted in a few ways as well; it can symbolize God or the Devil looking over the world or the secret society themselves watching over us and controlling our lives.






To some people, this eye may have a more literal meaning – such as “open your eyes to what is happening around you” or to represent that they consider themselves enlightened.





Triangle or Pyramid 

The All Seeing Eye is often placed inside or on top of a triangle or pyramid in tattoo designs (sometimes a thirteen step unfinished pyramid as seen on the dollar bill).

The triangle itself is a spiritual symbol used in both Christianity (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost) and other religions. In ancient Hebrew, the number 3 was used to represent the spiritual realm.




Light Beams 

In tattoos, these light beams are represented by fine line work that radiates out from the eye and triangle – representing knowledge, power, and enlightenment.




Geometric Shapes  

In some tattoo designs, the eye and the triangle will be surrounded by other artwork and patterns, usually in geometric shapes or mandala designs.




Clocks or Compass

The clock or compass is used in Illuminati tattoos to symbolize the control and insight of God, the devil or the secret organization itself.

Time and direction are factors beyond our control and are used because there are people who believe that the Illuminati’s power is beyond the general population’s comprehension.



Pagan / Satanic Symbols 

As mentioned before, there are conspiracy theorists who believe that these organizations’ practice satanic rituals.

Thus you will sometimes see related images such as a goat’s head, snakes, the number 666 or pentagram used together in Illuminati tattoos. This may represent the individual’s beliefs.





Wise owls, sometimes with outstretched wings are a popular tattoo image. In Illuminati tattoos, they will often be seen holding the triangle or pyramid in their talons. The owl is a symbol of wisdom and insight.


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Ambigram tattoos are usually placed on the outside of the forearm for best effect. Other images such as the All Seeing Eye and triangle or pyramid can work on any part of the body with most people choosing their back or chest or choosing to include these subjects into an arm or leg sleeve.




The most extreme people prefer to wear the Illuminati symbol on the neck. All Illuminati tattoos are unisex; worn by both men and women. Usually, they are inked on that parts of the body which are easy to hide in order only special people could see it.





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3D – The triangle is an excellent subject for 3D designs and the artist will often make it appear that there is depth in the shape or that the eye is “jumping” off the skin.


Hyper-realistic – Hyper-realistic eyes are a popular subject and make striking tattoos that are sure to draw attention. Variations include eyes with tears and vivid blue or yellow coloring.


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The majority of these tattoo designs do not include color and are designed with fine line work in black and gray ink with shading. There are of course designs that do include color, especially in the eye, and these can look striking, especially if the artist has designed a hyper-realistic tattoo.




Of course, it is up to you how much or how little color you wish to have in your tattoo. The ambigram style lettering is almost always designed in bold black ink.




In short… 

So why would someone choose an Illuminati tattoo? They are popular not only among people who believe in the power of this secret organization, but also those who believe in non-conformity, rebelling against state power, anarchy, and ongoing enlightenment.



Other people choose these subjects because of their belief of a new world order where their lives are being controlled and monitored by this shadowy organization.

They may get these tattoos to show that they are aware of this and are against them. Others may choose it because they believe in the original Bavarian principals although this is rare.


So are those who are wearing these tattoos connected in some way with the Illuminati or are they really just admiring the meanings connected with these symbols? You decide!


100 Illuminati Tattoos For Men – Enlightened Design Ideas

There is no finer way to prepare for the New World Order than with a mysterious Illuminati tattoo. To show your cred among conspiracy theorists, this illuminating ink is the classiest way to go.

In today’s culture, nothing is quite what it seems to be on the surface, but most people complacently ignore the signs.

If you want to stand out from the oblivious common-folk, then you can set yourself apart with an intriguing Illuminati design. These compelling images are directly associated with the presence of secret societies among us. In fact, the right arrangement may even constitute membership to an underground sect.

Occult rituals are a primary facet of the Illuminati, so related tattoos may feature subversive ideas and even Satanic visages. Latin phrases are regularly included to elicit ancient energy. The origins of all philosophies pertaining to the New World Order can be traced back to the late 1700s. In fact, these organization were formed around the same time our U.S. Constitution was written. As they say, the truth shall eventually set you free.

As you can see, the Illuminati is a complex concept that invokes dark magic. To taste the revolutionary conspiracies, just dive into the enlightening tattoo guide below.

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